Yesterday I finished Another Brooklyn, which meant I had choices when it came to picking out a new book to pack this morning. I had plans to attend a baseball game this evening and rain was a possibility, so I decided to plumb the depths of my personal collection, rather than endangering library books. Fannie Flagg’s The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion, a gift from Kate during last winter’s Ninja Book Swap, caught my eye, and I started it while waiting for a delayed train this morning.
The ball game didn’t end up happening (or, rather it happened yesterday, without us), and Sarah managed to catch me to let me know not to come just as I was passing the turn-off to the library. Taking this as a sign, I wandered in and picked up the second book in the Phryne Fisher series, Flying Too High. (Did you know in the books, there’s a Mrs. Butler, as well?) I spent the evening reading it.

The knitting is the mate to this spring’s Sock Madness Slip-Stripe Spiral, and I’m nearly to the heel. I don’t love the pattern or the yarn combination, which makes it slower going than it ought to be, but I expect it’ll be finished by month’s end, when I may want to wear wool socks once more.
Yarning Along with Ginny.