sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 9, 2015

that time of the year, first snow, and our share
posted by soe 2:16 am

Three beautiful things from the first week of 2015:

1. This time of the year, Girl Scouts abound, so when unpleasantness arises, it’s okay to break into the last unopened box of Samoas in the pantry.

2. It created havoc for a great number of people in the area, but I enjoyed the first snow accumulation of the year. Rudi has made a full recovery, so I didn’t have to get up early and shovel, and it blanketed everything prettily with four inches of white for a bit.

3. Because the Nationals imploded early on in the post-season, after we anted up for tickets that would’ve covered through the World Series, what we owe for our share of this year’s season tickets is comfortably minimal.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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