posted by soe 1:01 am
The last time I made a to-do list for the weekend, it all went to hell, but let’s have faith that won’t happen this time.
Here’s what’s on tap:
- Take car for inspection
- Print out new car insurance card.
- Go to a yoga class or get a massage or a pedicure. Or, y’know, two or even all three.
- Do a load of laundry.
- Have a dinner date with Rudi at the rehab facility.
- Renew or return a book to the Arlington library.
- Remove items from the yellow shelves that are not books.
- Fill out the home dimension request sheet from the hospital.
- Make a list of what’s going into my swap box next week.
- Find clothes to wear to a funeral on Monday.
- Read a book.
- Repair rocking chair.
- Wind yarn for next project.
- Get computer hooked up to tv functioning or find Wii remote or figure out why the radio in the bedroom has stopped producing music (but not alarm noises).
- Bring the cooler in from the hallway and put things from the kitchen into it.
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