sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 5, 2014

knitting plans: 2014
posted by soe 1:18 am

Remember when I used to share pictures of finished objects I’d knit?

Remember when I used to finish objects I’d knit?

Last year offered up an appalling four finished items: my grandmother’s shawl and three pairs of socks (two for me, one for Rudi). I started some things and worked on some long-languishing projects, but overall it was not a good year for my needles.

This year, I’m trying to come up with a game plan:

  1. Finish 12 pairs of socks. I have many partially completed pairs. They totally count.
  2. On a related note, quantify my works-in-progress. End the year with at least 1/3 less than the current number.
  3. Knit myself a shawl for my 40th birthday. Next month. (Guess I’d better get working on that one soon…)
  4. Send off some knitted gifts. (These should include the two I’ve finished but never sent along to their intended recipients.)
  5. End the year with at least two new sweaters. (Again, any of the ones currently lying fallow would work perfectly well here.)
  6. Join some knitalongs. Sock Madness occurred during an emotionally draining trip last year and I failed at it in a major way. The Tour de France was more productive for me, but still did not result in wearable objects, although the August finish-your-languishing socks competition did take care of 2/3 of the socks I completed in 2013. (This year, the Olympics and the World Cup soccer tournament, both major knitting occasions, are happening, so that’s two more built-in events right there.)
  7. Fix my knits. I have several items that, due to moths or wear and tear, need darning. I’ve got a class next week that will give me a better grasp of how to tackle those problems.

I think that’ll do it. Essentially, I’d like to prolong the lives of the knits I’ve finished, complete some projects that have been long on the needles (or in drawers/project bags), and end the year with more things to wear. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

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