sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 10, 2014

blues, sent, and favorite things
posted by soe 1:15 am

Today was my semi-annual trip to the dentist, which never qualifies as a beautiful thing, even if a cavity-free diagnosis is one. As is now my wont, I celebrated getting my teeth cleaned by then immediately eating and drinking my way around Capitol Hill.

Three things that do qualify as beautiful from my past week are:

1. We get the opportunity to see legendary blues singer Bettye LaVette in concert at the historic Howard Theatre. The space — and the performance — are amazing, and I recommend you take in both if given the chance.

2. I write and mail the final four Christmas cards I didn’t get out before the holiday.

3. Russian Christmas was this week. Rudi gives me my favorite things: tea, music, and a book (about knitting).

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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