Today was a really nice day even if it did begin at 6:30 and just seems to be wrapping up now at 1:30. That would be a.m. on both sides. Ouch.
We arose at the same time as the sun so we could finish cleaning before our 7:45 a.m. meeting. At this point, finish cleaning equated roughly with making it passable enough that we weren’t ashamed of having people inside.
Giving up on the dream of making the meeting on time, we called to say we’d catch up with the group at its next destination, about an hour later and pulled ourselves together. (The extra time helped — when we walked in the door later on, we marveled at how nice the Burrow seemed when it was clean(er)).
On the morning’s agenda was Hands On D.C., a public service project where citizens help paint and clean and improve the city’s schools. We ended up at the middle school near our house and spent several hours painting hallways. We didn’t do a lot, but it was something.
In the afternoon, I stopped at the used bookstore by our house. Its owners are moving to L.A. and closed the store earlier this week. Today, though, they were giving away the rest of the stock they didn’t feel like moving across the country. I came home with a couple of books to give to others, as well as a few for me.
Then I headed down to the Mall to catch up with Eri, who is in town on vacation. We pedaled down to Hain’s Point to see the giant and then to the Mall, where we hung out for a while at the D.C. WWI Memorial (where else do you get to have a marble monument in the woods pretty much to yourself?). We moseyed back north to the Burrow, caught up with John, and headed down U Street for some Ethiopian food at Dukem.
We ended up with some tasty food after a few entertaining mishaps involving the word “No.” Rudi enjoyed the Ethiopian honey wine John introduced him to and Eri will probably never forget her introduction to a new cuisine. On the way back home we stopped at Love Café. Eri and Rudi went for cupcakes (hers German chocolate, his chocolate with strawberry frosting). I had a slice of chocolate raspberry torte that was the size of my head. (I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!) And John won dessert of the night with his raspberry cheesecake. It was amazing.
Eri biked back to her hotel about half an hour ago. We’ll catch up again tomorrow to visit the farmers’ market and the zoo and to watch The West Wing.
All in all a really great day!