I admit it. I’m frustrated. I want things to be progressing faster, without actually my having to progress faster. I want to stop turning around and finding another thing that needs to be fixed or cleaned before I can go on to the next thing on my mental list.
Like this morning. I was multi-tasking by doing handwashing and soe-washing at the same time. But when I emerged from the shower all fresh and clean and went to let the water out of the sink, it didn’t go. It just sat there. So I pretended I was on a sinking ship (because who doesn’t feel that way some days) and bailed the sink water down the tub drain. At least the two were right next to each other and it didn’t require wandering around the house, as it would have if the kitchen sink had refused to drain. But I’m not sure why I would have been washing my sweater in the kitchen sink. Particularly since I have a garbage disposal. And a few soaking dishes. Baking pans and merino sweaters just do not mix.
So tonight before I left work, I did some research. Found out how to fix it. Dug about until I found the right tools. Used them. And then I was thwarted from it being a cathartic (if gross) experience by a very sweet guy who wanted to help (particularly since he’s the one who brushes his hair over the sink).
The good news is that the sink stopper is operational once more and my handwashing can resume once more. The bad news is that there’s just so much more to do around here. And less than three weeks until our tree-trimming party. And a frustrated me just wanting it all to be done.