For cat-related humor: Stuff On My Cat
November 8, 2005
Today is a clear and beautiful Election Day, at least on the Eastern seaboard. If you have an election in your area and are able to vote, please don’t forget to do so. Remember — if you can vote and don’t, you don’t get to complain later on.
D.C. has no election today and is already gearing up for 2006, when we will elect a new mayor and possibly a new council chair. Frankly, I think it’s a little early to start worrying about people who will make promises, but who, generally, don’t have the authority do follow through on them. (Congress technically runs D.C. — and does it poorly.)
So from my point of view, election day cannot end soon enough. Our airwaves have been inundated with ads from Virginia, where the election for governor turned ugly two months ago (the campaigns for attorney general and for lieutenant governor didn’t turn ugly until more recently). We came home from England to smear ads on both sides of the table and plenty of money to run them during every commercial break on every channel on regular tv. Frankly, given the nasty campaigning the two of them have been doing, I don’t think either one deserves to be governor.
In my former home of Middletown, Conn., the mayor is up for re-election. The Republican candidate is the strongest in a decade and the current mayor has experienced some bumps in the last six months. But, by and large, I think she has Middletown’s best interests at heart and the city has prospered under her control. Perhaps a hard-fought election will get the creativity flowing again.
In my hometown of Wallingford, Conn., the mayoral race is an interesting one. The mayor of the last two decades — Bill Dickinson — is being challenged by Jim Vumbaco, town council chairman and the son of the last Democratic mayor. Expansion has run rampant and Wallingford has lost any charm it once held. Dickinson served the town well for a number of years, but in the last decade I’ve thought that his opinions have stagnated. The town could use some fresh blood before the town becomes one huge strip mall surrounded by condo complexes and McMansions.