sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 22, 2023

virtual advent tour 2023: day 22
posted by soe 6:00 am

Today is the antepenultimate day of the Virtual Advent Tour for the year. To celebrate, we head back to The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader, where Marg has a post sharing the decorations she and her husband have added to their collection this year.

If you work a traditional job, good luck with the last day before the holiday!

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three amigos, sitter, and dessert
posted by soe 1:05 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Neal, Chris, and I go out for supper.

2. Sergio and his wife hire a babysitter so she can make her work holiday party and he can come to our game. We appreciate his presence tremendously.

3. Rudi donated money to a friend’s son’s fundraiser and this week a box of assorted homemade cookies was delivered.

What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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