Today is Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent. It is dedicated to joy and rejoicing in the season (traditionally in the coming of Christ, but I find taking a broad approach works best for me).
My family didn’t go to church when I was little, joining only when I was in the third grade. My parents can probably shed some light about what prompted them to start going, but the reasons weren’t particularly important to me as a kid.
During December, families would light the Advent wreath candles, and one year (maybe when I was in sixth grade?), we were chosen to light one. It wasn’t Gaudete Sunday, because our candle was purple, not pink, but it was still cool.
What I loved most about our church at first was that it had a children’s choir, and third graders could join. So every Thursday afternoon, I (later with my brother) would go to practice. During the school year, we performed once a month, mostly at the family service, with added appearances at Christmas Eve and Palm Sunday).
I stuck with it through ninth grade, when I could have moved over to one of the adult choirs. Since nearly everyone in there was at least my folks’ age, I opted against it. But every once in a while I hear a song we performed as part of the choir (“Fum Fum Fum” and “Lord of the Dance” are favorites) and it makes me smile.