sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 10, 2023

virtual advent 2023: day 10
posted by soe 6:00 am

Friday afternoon, Rudi, my friend Sarah, and I went to Yards Park here in D.C. to eat seasonal ice cream flavors at Ice Cream Jubilee and to check out Light Yards, the annual light installation they erect. This year’s is “Swinging Bells,” five 13′ kinetic sculptures you can “ring”:

Light Yards 2023

You sit (or stand) on the bell clapper, but take a friend because it’s really hard to get swinging on your own.

Sarah on Swinging Bells

Rudi had to give both Sarah and me pushes.

You can see the Yards’ official Instagram video here, which better demonstrates what a cute concept it is.

See you back tomorrow.

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