sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 20, 2019

ten favorite tropes
posted by soe 1:31 am

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is favorite tropes in our reading material.

Mine include:

  1. Found families (if you’re surprised to find this at the top, you haven’t been paying attention)
  2. Heists
  3. Cozies (People who are not professional law officers solve crimes that stump aforementioned pros!)
  4. Bequests that let you change your life
  5. Nerdy girl/guy saves the day (Hermione forever)
  6. Bad guy isn’t really a bad guy
  7. Booklovers love books
  8. Sisters are doin’ it for themselves (be they literal sisters or BFFs, they’ve got each other’s back)
  9. Definitely not love at first sight (or even like, really)
  10. Crossovers (I feel like this is getting more common as ways for authors to write sequels without writing sequels. Or when they have enough series where a character from one can show up in another.)

What are some of your favorite tropes/themes to discover in books?

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