posted by soe 1:31 am
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is favorite tropes in our reading material.
Mine include:
- Found families (if you’re surprised to find this at the top, you haven’t been paying attention)
- Heists
- Cozies (People who are not professional law officers solve crimes that stump aforementioned pros!)
- Bequests that let you change your life
- Nerdy girl/guy saves the day (Hermione forever)
- Bad guy isn’t really a bad guy
- Booklovers love books
- Sisters are doin’ it for themselves (be they literal sisters or BFFs, they’ve got each other’s back)
- Definitely not love at first sight (or even like, really)
- Crossovers (I feel like this is getting more common as ways for authors to write sequels without writing sequels. Or when they have enough series where a character from one can show up in another.)
What are some of your favorite tropes/themes to discover in books?
Category: books. There is/are 4 Comments.