sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 30, 2016

late-june yarning along
posted by soe 2:18 am

Late-June Yarning Along

Look! Color changes! Thirteen more teeth than last week! This continues to be mindless knitting easily worked on during tv, meetings, and baseball games.

I realized late last week that I really wasn’t enjoying Big Magic. I may skim a few sections later in the book to see if she ever gets around to something that resonates with me, but otherwise I may give it up. (Giving up a book during the library’s summer reading program is painful, but that really ought not to be a reason to keep reading a book that sprains my eye-rolling muscles.)

Instead, I’ve turned to two books relevant to my summer holidays. Summer of the Gypsy Moths is written by a woman from and takes place in the Cape Cod town where we vacationed earlier this month. We’ve started out the book with a dead (of natural causes) body (which two pre-teen girls are going to bury in the garden), so it definitely catches you.

Modern Lovers has appeared on every summer reading list I’ve seen this year and focuses on a group of college friends in their forties. How could I, in the year of my 20th reunion from college not at least give it a shot? I’m looking forward to getting started on it tomorrow.

(Apologies for the glare-filled shot. I dozed off on the couch after volleyball tonight and am too tired to retake it.)

What are you reading these days?

Yarning along with Ginny at Small Things.

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