sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 23, 2016

early summer yarning along
posted by soe 2:45 am

Summer reading continues apace. I finished three books last week while on vacation and one since returning home. These are the two I’m currently working on:

Early Summer Yarning Along

Big Magic I’m reading for the #TBRTakedown on Twitter. One of the challenges was to read a book outside our comfort zone and self-help by an author whose first book I didn’t particularly like definitely qualifies. Lots of people put it on their best-of lists last year, though, including some who didn’t love Eat, Pray, Love, so I figured I’d give it a chance. The Unexpected Everything is a recent release YA contemporary featuring the daughter of a Connecticut senator and her father the summer he experiences a scandal at the office. The first couple chapters were long and slow, possibly because my head was still wrapped up in the ending of Carry On, the book I’d just finished prior to starting it, but I hear it picks up. (It’ll count for a book from my most recent haul in the Takedown if I finish it this week.)

While I read a lot on vacation, I didn’t knit much. I’ve only got seven Hitchhiker teeth so far, but I’m approaching the end of the red, I think. I’ve got a meeting to sit through tomorrow and a film tomorrow evening if the rain holds off, though, so I should get a couple more teeth done before the weekend.

Yarning along with Ginny and her new baby.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 2 Comments.

This is the second blog this week that I follow that has talked about Big Magic (my friend Jillian is reading it also this summer). Hmmm, I will have to see if my library has it available!

Sometimes reading is the best vacation in the world, and slow knitting is not a bad thing!

Comment by AsKatKnits 06.23.16 @ 6:19 am

[…] Color changes! Thirteen more teeth than last week! This continues to be mindless knitting easily worked on during tv, meetings, and baseball […]

Pingback by sprite writes 06.30.16 @ 4:27 am