sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 9, 2015

budapest: departure and arrival
posted by soe 11:41 pm

Before any more time gets away, I thought I’d share some of our travel adventures from last month. Tonight you get the start of our trip, which occurred five weeks ago today:

We left D.C. Wednesday afternoon, heading to BWI for the first of our three-leg overnight journey. First, we flew to Charlotte. My major impression of its airport is that it’s a bit of a throwback because the main bathrooms had attendants stationed in them.

Leaving on a Jet Plane


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rising, passing, and pick-up
posted by soe 5:36 pm

White House Easter Egg Roll

Three beautiful things from Easter week:

1. Gramma has had a bad afternoon and I’ve stayed late at the nursing home in an effort to keep her calm (and, if truth be told, to help alleviate the guilt I feel about being far away most of the time these days). As I’m pulling out of the driveway to head back to my folks’ house, a full moon rises over the horizon behind me.

2. A guy and I bump into each other in the line for coffee at the Montvale rest stop and we both make jokes about being tired from the road. As I’m doctoring my drinks, he comes over to inquire if I’ve been in the traffic heading north. No, I say, I’m heading south. There’s a big accident on your side of the road, he warns; all his traffic has been caused by rubberneckers. Rudi and I bale across the river from the Garden State and traverse our way south through Newark, keeping our trip home from grinding to a halt.

3. Volleyball resumed this week, but with fewer teams in this new session. As a result, a court opens up in the final hour, where the league invites players to join in a pick-up match. I get in nearly two hours of play time and leave so soaked there’s nowhere dry to wipe my hands off before serving. It’s a nice way to spend an evening.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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