Now that I’ve finished my second knit object of 2014, I thought it was probably time to share with you my first:
This is the Y Not Cowl, which I knit as a last-minute Ravellenic Games contender last month when I realized that the fingering-weight-sweater-while-Rudi-was-sick-project was probably a little ambitious for a two-week period:

The yarn is the ultra-soft Fibre Company Tundra in Snowdrift, which had been sent to me with the pattern, by Colleen earlier in the month. I knit the pattern on US 11 needles, using the modifications Colleen suggested on the pattern (ribbing on both ends, rather than just one, and fewer pattern repeats).
As you can see here, I finished up before the Olympic cauldron was extinguished:

However, I forgot about the time difference and neglected to read the instructions carefully, so the cowl is not a medal winner.
But when you’ve had a winter like we’ve had, we take the wins we can get, and winning the First FO of 2014 is a pretty awesome award if you ask me, particularly when it’s an accessory that’s so versatile at this time of year: