sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 2, 2010

olympics and knitting
posted by soe 4:32 am

The Olympic flame was extinguished last night and with the Games’ conclusion also came the end of the Ravelympics and the Knitting Olympics.

How did I do?

Well, the failure first. This is not a sweater:

Left Front of Hey, Olympian!

That would be the left front panel of Hey, Teach, my Knitting Olympics project. I had several problems with this sweater, mostly relating to gauge and my inability to find it and to my understanding of the schematic of the pattern (and thus where Rudi and I ought to be measuring). The good news is that the lacy portion ought to fit just fine. The bad news is that I’m not convinced the same is true of the skirt — which ought to be longer — and the ribbing — which now looks pretty but which is probably too tight for the sweater’s design.

I need to block it and figure out what’s next — starting over, severe blocking, or cutting it and making it longer at the other end.

On the other hand, I went three for three in my WiPs-Dancing category of the Ravelympics, finishing three projects that have been hanging around my neck for far too long:

My mitts no longer have dredlocks inside:


My red scarf will be ready to send out next fall when the next request goes out for the Red Scarf Project:

Charity Scarf

(Yes, it really is surprisingly skinny, but it’s going out as-is anyway…)

And this is a long-awaited project for someone who reads the blog. She knows about it, but it’s unfair for everyone to get to see her finished present before she does. So you’ll just have to stop by next week when the finished object can be revealed:

A Shawl for Mum

For the time being, I will merely note that I used up every T-pin in those three containers during the blocking process, as well as several needles that inadvertently had been put in them. And I still had to resort to raiding my bulletin board and the one in our kitchenette at work for that handful of push pins you see to block the thing.

Generally, I’m quite pleased. I eventually will have a beautiful sweater and will have learned a lot in the process. And I have three finished objects that I’m quite proud of and happy to be done with. And, really, who could ask for more than that?

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