posted by soe 11:03 pm
A number of blogs I read regularly post their responses to the weekly meme, Ten on Tuesday. I’m not always excited by them, but I thought this week’s topic was an interesting one. Of course, I couldn’t stick with just ten, so I expanded it to a round dozen (it’s still alliterative, so I think it’s fine):
Twelve Favorite Sounds:
- Rudi’s whistle (It’s more polite than shouting, I think, although you do get weird looks when whistling to someone in public…)
- Waves lapping at the beach
- Echoing cracks of thunder late at night (I was scared of nighttime thunderstorms when I was little, but I remember coming out to Mum in the living room one night and her explaining that she found it a comforting sound. And I was never frightened of thunder again.) (I also like to be close enough to fireworks to feel them explode. I think it’s a similar feeling/sound.)
- The silence of a snowstorm
- The crackle of a fire (particularly the pop of pine cones, which remind me of camping as a kid)
- A cappella harmonies (particularly of women singers)
- The purring of a content cat — or three (Posey is sprawled on my lap as I type this…)
- Little kids’ unfettered fits of giggling
- The sound of a loved one’s voice — over the phone line or in person
- A favorite song coming through my speakers/headphones — whether at my request or by happenstance, it matters not!
- Rain tapping on the window or roof first thing in the morning or last thing at night
- The crack of wood and leather when a batter connects well with a pitched ball
Do you have favorite sounds?
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