It’s been a long day here at the Burrow, so I’m glad Thursday is coming to a close. I have tomorrow off, so will be celebrating a long weekend by adding to my sock collection. (Think I can finish the pair by Sunday night?) But before we bid adieu to Maundy Thursday*, let’s contemplate three beautiful things from the week past:
1. The odor of mulch pervades the air throughout the city. This means that pretty flowers will follow.
2. Monday night I walked home from work, which means crossing through several parks. I’m delighted to report that the city’s fountains are back on! (And, while not meriting its own item, the office roof deck is open again.)
3. Girl Scouts sporting both uniform and volunteer vests pick up litter at the Cherry Blossom Festival. I was very grumpy until I spotted them. Thank you, Scouts!
What’s been beautiful in your world this week?
Rudi and I had a discussion about what “maundy” might mean last week. I couldn’t remember, but suspected it had something to do with the Last Supper. It does, in fact, refer to Jesus’ washing of the Apostles’ feet prior to the Last Supper — and later the washing of the feet of the poor. Most recently, it came to refer to the annual handing out of alms to the poor by British royalty.