sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 27, 2005

warm, cool, and old friends
posted by soe 4:23 pm

Three beautiful things from the last week:

1) 85 degrees and sunny weather in Tucson for the three days I was there. It was nice to wear shorts one last time this year.

2) October shouldn’t be that warm, so it was nice to come home to golden leaves on the lawns and a nip in the air.

3) Min and I knew each other through mutual friends in college, where she was a couple years ahead of me. We had managed, for the most part, to stay in touch through the years, but time and distance make that challenging and we’d managed to lose track of each other in the last year or so. So it was nice when we made plans to meet up while I was visiting town. I think we both were a little worried that we’d changed since we’d last seen each other (we’re guessing it’s been about seven years) and that we wouldn’t recognize one another. But instead we did and I had a lovely time reminiscing and catching up and getting to know her better. Maybe the next time I come to Tucson will be a little bit more relaxed and I’ll have more opportunities for visiting.

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wordpress is being weird
posted by soe 9:10 am

My blog refused to give me permission to post the previous entry last night, presumably because it objected to the final sentence of the post,

“In the meantime,
I’m going to
up with a cat.”

It apparently objects to that one word, in particular. How weird. I don’t know why. But it forbid me to use it.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are Comments Off on wordpress is being weird.