posted by soe 1:47 am
I was supposed to take part in a volleyball tournament on Sunday, but, alas! it’s been cancelled. Worry not, though, I’ve got other things I’m hoping to do:
- Play volleyball (I mean, just not as part of a tournament)
- Go to a baseball game (it’s Star Wars Day at Nats Park and some of our friends want the free Hawaiian shirts they’re giving out)
- Plant the rest of the seedlings I bought yesterday (I’m down to five plants — three members of the gourd family, a tomato, and some kind of pinkish flower — that need to get into the ground)
- Shop at the farmers market
- Do laundry
- Bake something
- Take down the Christmas cards
- Send some mail
- Switch out my winter and summer wardrobes (All the clothes are out, which makes for unmanageable piles everywhere)
- Read
How about you? What’s on your weekend to-do list?
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