sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 19, 2022

top ten bookish items i’d love to own
posted by soe 1:10 am

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Ready Girl asks us to share ten bookish items we’d love to own. I thought I’d share ten bookish knitting patterns I’d love to make:

  1. Wonderland Socks
  2. Hundred Acre Woods socks
  3. Alice in Wonderland mittens
  4. Snow Queen socks
  5. Christmas with the Marches shawl
  6. Rivendell socks
  7. Brighton mitts
  8. Nancy Drew sweater
  9. Anne’s Sweater
  10. Anne Elliot’s Fichu shawl

For my crafty friends, are there literary-inspired items you’d like to make?

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