Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. The Bier Baron (formerly the Brickskeller, for those of you with a historic familiarity with D.C.) has reopened. It joins the Fireplace as the most local bars that shuttered completely during the pandemic to resume service in the past month. While I once would have been irritated to walk through the clouds of tobacco and pot smoke outside them both, at this point I greet their crowds like old friends (in my head).
2. My volleyball teammate, Katie, gave me a ride home after our game in rather plothering weather. As I’d biked down and had planned to metro home and I was soaked to the skin, it was a remarkably generous offer. And I was home in half the time either of the other modes of transit would have allowed.
3. A colleague offers me kind words when I need them most this week.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?