posted by soe 1:35 am
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl took me a little while. Our assignment: to share book titles that might make good crayon colors:
- The Wonderful O (James Thurber): A bright orange, the color of the first citrus of the winter season
- Sucking Eggs (Patricia Nicol): Venom green
- Rancid Pansies (James Hamilton-Paterson): Greyish blue-purple
- The Vinyl Princess (Yvonne Prinz): Sparkly black
- Last Days of Summer (Steve Kluger): Cornflower blue
- Dandelion Wine (Ray Bradbury): A pale, clear yellow
- Canary (Rachele Alpine): Chartreuse
- Vintage Attraction (Charles Blackstone): Dark plum
- A Darker Shade of Magic (V.E. Schwab): Dark blood red
- The Starless Sea (Erin Morgenstern): Dark midnight blue
How about you? Can you think of any book titles that should be a crayon name?
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