sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 22, 2018

four inches
posted by soe 3:29 am

You wouldn’t think four inches would have much significance in nature. My tomato plants grow an extra four inches and I won’t even notice after a certain point. Four inches of snow and we’d hardly blink some winters.

But four inches of rain fall on a single day and you’re inclined to notice. A storm of that significance curtails activities, particularly in a region where walking comprises a major mode of transportation. It’s not unlike a hurricane, except without the wind.

And if you have a basement, and more particularly if you live in a basement, you’re very likely to notice four inches of rain falling from the sky because eventually it’s going to move in with you.

And it has. Just like you’d accommodate an unannounced visit from a loved one, I accommodated the water’s arrival, too. But, boy, has it rearranged my weekend plans — and my living room, too.

The week’s forecast shows rain every day. Keep your fingers crossed that it’s intermittent — the ground having a chance to dry out will be the only thing that saves us from more water incursion.

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