posted by soe 1:35 am
It’s supposed to be a beautiful weekend here. After a scorcher of a week, we need it. I’m going to try to soak up as much of it as I can. Here’s what I hope it includes:
- Eat outside.
- Watch some bike racing.
- Start a new knitting project. (Nope, still no idea which it’ll be. Game time decision!)
- Stalk Wonder Woman. (They’re filming the second movie in the series here in D.C. This weekend it’s downtown near the White House. They did some filming last month outside the Watergate, where my friend Sarah works and they eventually had to send a P.A. up to ask them to stop watching from the window, since they were in the shot.)
- Pull out my pea vines. They were looking done for when I was at the garden on Wednesday, but there were a few more pods I wanted to give a shot to.)
- Admire Cezanne. (There’s a retrospective of his work at the National Gallery of Art that I just heard about that ends on Sunday. Apparently I haven’t been paying attention to the art scene. But this requires heading to a Smithsonian on a summer weekend on a closing weekend, two things I try to avoid like a bad cold, so I might decide looking at his Wikipedia page is just as good…)
- Do laundry.
- Bake. (I pitted a couple quarts of cherries mid-week, but it was just too hot to turn on the oven.)
- Make daiquiris. (I have a lot of whole strawberries in my freezer right now.)
- Watch the sun set from the park.
How about you? What do you have on tap for the weekend?
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