sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 27, 2018

‘diamonds and rust’
posted by soe 1:20 am

Joan Baez today joined the ranks of senior citizen singers announcing that they’d be retiring from touring in the upcoming year.

This is the cover song from her 1975 Diamonds and Rust album. When I was growing up, it used to be the record I’d request for my birthday supper because it featured a song that contained a variant of my name (also my brother’s name, but he has a name that shows up on things like keychains and stationery and cute signs for your bedroom door, so that’s clearly less important). It’s neither pronounced nor spelled the same as mine, but was as close as I was likely to come to an eponymous song. (As a kid, I thought my parents had picked the name because they’d heard it in the song, but since the album came out more than a year after I was born, clearly I misunderstood.)

Joan’s tour does come to D.C., so I may see how much tickets are, since she’s one performer I don’t think I’ve ever seen as an adult. But even if I don’t get that chance, I’ll always have her recordings. Her new album, Whistle Down the Wind, drops Friday. You can stream it on NPR right now.

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