Today was a rather Mondayish Monday. It started shortly after Rudi departed for work as I was getting dressed, when I noticed a dark mark in the channel separating two tiles near the window. We live in a basement and it periodically floods when we get a lot of rain, which we did over the weekend. I’d checked the area yesterday and it had been dry, but apparently the rain we got overnight or early this morning tipped the balance. The water hadn’t spread far, but it required moving several things in order to get newspaper underneath the shelf the tv sits on, which I could see had water underneath it.
I had bought a birthday card last month for my brother, which I’d put aside for when it was closer to the date, but I needed to get it in the mail. I looked on the desk once, twice, and in various other spots where it shouldn’t have been, but could have been, before the card chose to reveal itself … right on the desk where I’d hunted.
Work included an email that was snide in tone, but I don’t think that was intentional. It also included a reminder about self-eevaluations and job descriptions, which is a pointless and frustrating experience at my office.
I forgot to do laundry earlier this evening, which means that the clothes I need for tomorrow’s volleyball game are not likely to be dry when I head to work in the morning.
And when I dug out my favorite sweater from the garment bag in the hall closet where I’d carefully placed it a couple years ago (I’d worn through the elbows and then worn through the patches and had put it away until I could figure out what to do with it), I discovered the bag had been damaged somehow and the hole breached by moths. I spent an hour with a lint roller removing worm casings and detritus. I can see several new holes, but I’m hopeful that the majority of the sweater can be salvaged after some mending.
The day was not all bad. I assuaged my frustrated feelings at the office by buying French fries from the deli next door, which I shared with my coworkers. Rudi made a delicious Tom Kha soup for supper, which we ate while watching the Olympics. There were gingerbread cookies for dessert and cocoa with Valentine’s Day sprinkles. And I knit several inches on the sleeve of my sweater, which felt very satisfying.
Here’s to tomorrow being a Tuesday (volleyball!) and Mardi Gras and Pancake Day all in one package!