It’s been a busy week here at the Burrow, with friends in town, Rudi’s first surgery, Olympic coverage, a minor kitchen plumbing issue, and a summer cold-cum-sinus infection, in addition to the normal array of work deadlines, volleyball games, and heat waves.
Not pictured here is my Hitchhiker shawlette, which is at its final row, waiting to be bound off. I felt confident I had enough yarn until I wound the tangled remains of the yarn into a ball, wherein I realized there was clearly not the 6 grams of yarn the pattern recommended remaining. My kitchen scale today confirmed I was somewhere between 2 and 3, and I’m currently mulling options: tink back a row (or possibly two) to bind off with the yarn I have or chance it and most likely need to add in some leftover red yarn I have not yet located from a pair of socks a few years ago. Does anyone have experience adding in yarn in the bind off? Big deal/not a big deal? That said, I’m really happy with how it’s turned out and look forward to sharing photos with you over the weekend.
This means I’m back to my vanilla socks. I remain confident that I can finish these before the end of the Olympics/Ravellenic Games, since I’m halfway through the heel flap on sock #2, and there’s no patterning to worry about. Plus, the heat is supposed to break, which should mean I’m less grumpy about knitting outside.
While there was lots of time for knitting in the waiting room (there were unannounced and unrelated-to-us delays on both end of the surgery), there’s been less time or concentration for reading. I’ve currently got five books going: The Rabbi’s Cat, set in 1930s Algeria, is a graphic novel I saw at the local comic book shop and requested from the library. The current audiobook is Vivian Apple at the End of the World (not pictured), about what happens when a series of worldwide disasters lend credence to a cult leader and his predicted Rapture seems to happen as scheduled. Vivian’s parents leave behind matching holes in their bedroom ceiling, and the daughter who refused to adopt the antiquated gender norms that would make her a candidate for salvation. When things get violent and dangerous in their hometown of Pittsburgh, Vivian, her best friend, and her crush take off on a cross-country trip in search of answers. Ruby Lee and Me and Connect the Stars (also not shown) are the two kid-lit novels I’m reading, and Elizabeth Strout’s latest rounds out the selection.
We’re down to the final eight days of the summer reading program at my library, and I’m way behind where I’d wanted to be (and my numbers for last summer), so I’m pulling out all my books-in-progress, graphic novels, and short reads for the next week to see if I can boost my numbers. (I mean, I already finished the required bits and picked up my burrito voucher, but the top readers get tickets to the library’s literary gala later this fall, and I’d like to go.) We’ll see how I do, but given I’m only at 18 completed books for the past 11 weeks, I’m not thinking I’ll score the golden ticket in the final days.
What are you working on these days?
Yarning along with Ginny.