sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 5, 2015

early november yarning along
posted by soe 2:07 am

Early November Yarn Along

I’m between portable knitting projects again, which means I’ve picked up my Lightning Shawl again. But I’ve been eyeing hat patterns on Ravelry (Remember when I declared 2015 would be my year of hats? I haven’t knit one.), so maybe that will be cast on in the next few days.

On the reading front, in addition to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is my audiobook of the moment, I have the three blue books you see here in progress:

Hotel Bosphorus is a mystery set in contemporary Turkey and features the owner of a mystery-themed bookstore. The Thing about Jellyfish is a highly touted middle-grade read that had me tearing up on page 19 and full-out bawling by page 50, which led me to pick up Come Hell or Highball, about a 31-year old Long Island widow who takes up sleuthing after the death of her (it turns out) no-longer-so-rich husband. (I was hoping for Nora Charles or Phryne Fisher, but I don’t think she’ll be as charming or funny as either one, although, to be fair, Nora is both smarter and less interesting on the page than on the screen.)

Yarning along with Ginny at Small Things.

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