sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 4, 2015

yarning along: class project and a #tbrtakedown read
posted by soe 2:01 am

Today’s Yarning Along shot shows you two projects I’m working on:

Yarning Along: Early June

The knitting, cast on this evening, is the project for the class I mentioned last week. I’m learning how to knit two socks on a single circular needle over the course of four weeks in June. This week’s class was devoted to casting on, so you see I’ve got a couple rows on a pair of socks. The yarn is Holiday Yarn’s Flock Sock in the Yarn Fairy self-striping colorway. It’s wound for two-at-a-time knitting, with both strands of yarn emerging together from a center-pull ball. The staff at the yarn store were excited by the idea of it and suggested they might see about carrying it.

The book is Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper and is the story of an 83-year-old woman who decides to walk 3,000 km alone to see the ocean for the first time. One of you recommended it last month on your blog, but I can’t find whom it was just right now.

I’m reading it as part of the #TBRTakedown challenge Leaning Lights is running this week. Since I picked this up at the library last week, it counts as a book from my most recent library haul. I’m not firmly committed to matches in the other categories, although Fablehaven and Ms. Marvel Vol. 2 are probably going to be the two series finishers:

1. A book that’s been on your TBR shelf over a year!
2. An unread sequel sitting on your TBR shelf.
3. A first book in a series on your TBR shelf.
4. An “out of your comfort zone” book on le TBR shelf!
5. A book from your most recent book haul!

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