sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 29, 2015

jennifer grey in the ’80s, free cookies, and making an inquiry
posted by soe 1:41 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I get the chance to watch two movies outdoors this week: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Dirty Dancing.

2. Arriving at the farmers market in the final minutes has its perks: the bakery stand where I pick up something for breakfast asks if they can give me some free cookies. Why, yes, you may.

3. I tend not to like to inquire about things and have been known to just let them go, rather than pick up the phone, send the email, or approach a person. This time, though, I finally get up the guts to ask and am now signed up for a class that starts next week.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 6 Comments.

COOKIES!!!!!!!! YAY!

What class?

Comment by Jenn 05.29.15 @ 6:40 am

I watched “Dirty Dancing” recently, and I think I might like it even more now than I did in the ’80s.

Comment by Karen 05.29.15 @ 7:37 am

I’ve been on a huge decluttering kick lately, it’s been pretty nice to see space appearing where there used to be none.

How’s your dad (I read ahead to catch up when I saw that first post)? And what class?

Comment by Emily 06.01.15 @ 6:31 am

[…] knitting, cast on this evening, is the project for the class I mentioned last week. I’m learning how to knit two socks on a single circular needle over […]

Pingback by sprite writes 06.04.15 @ 3:49 am

@Emily: Decluttering needs to be in my near future. We’re reaching exceeding capacity again. And the class is one on knitting socks two at a time.

Dad is doing well and says he’s getting a little better every day. Thanks for asking.

Comment by soe 06.22.15 @ 11:49 am

@Karen: I don’t know that I like it more, but I definitely don’t like it less.

@Jenn: Cookies, indeed!

Comment by soe 06.22.15 @ 11:52 am