sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 18, 2015

ten on tuesday: anticipation
posted by soe 4:47 am

President's Day snacks

Today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is Ten Things I Am Looking Forward to Right Now:

  1. My upcoming trip to Hungary.
  2. Our friend’s birthday party tomorrow evening.
  3. The return of volleyball next week. (A snow day means the venue is closed, so no game today.)
  4. Vegetables. (The 4-day weekend involved an awful lot of delicious, tasty carbs and now I’m jonesing for some healthy fare.)
  5. Sock Madness. (Starting March 1)
  6. The Ninja Book Swap I signed up for. (Buying presents for — and receiving them from — random strangers on the internet is surprisingly satisfying.)
  7. Picking up my books from the library. (The Georgetown Branch was closed 2 1/2 days for a broken water pipe, 1 day for the holiday, and 1 day for the snow.)
  8. Spring flowers. (Seeing the snowdrops last week — now buried under five inches of actual snow — was too tantalizing and is exacerbated by Twitter pictures of magnolias blooming in Louisiana.)
  9. Pi(e) Day. (Rudi may or may not be in town, but I feel like it needs celebrating anyway this year.)
  10. Rearranging our living room. (Rudi and I talked about it this weekend and are on board with the first major furniture shift in ages.)

How about you? What are you looking forward to right now?

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