sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 9, 2012

efficient, pretty in pink, and team spirit
posted by soe 11:14 pm

Another Thursday come and gone. Let’s look back at three beautiful things from the past week:

1. I need to get home quickly, and the cabbie who picks me up gets me there quickly, despite potential traffic snarls.

2. Quince, when cooked, turn from an apple-flesh white to a rosy hue. (They also smell delicious when poached with a vanilla bean.)

3. My winter volleyball team (to differentiate them from the folks I played with this fall) cheerfully heads out for drinks after our game. The matches themselves were not particularly good, so it’s especially refreshing that we all end the evening on a positive note.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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