sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 8, 2008

paris, day 3
posted by soe 8:11 pm

This will just be a quick post to say that it’s late and we’re heading to Versailles tomorrow. Then in the evening, we’re hoping to crest the Eiffel Tower and cruise the Seine on a bateau mouche. We’ll be stopping at the local farmers’ market down by the Metro en route out of the city to grab picnic supplies. (Why, yes, I am feeling more confident about my French. Thanks for asking. I am still not confident about understanding the French, but we seem to get by, and Rudi’s skills in this arena are superior to mine.)

Today’s excitement included a trip to the Luxembourg Gardens where we pretended to be les enfants — we quite enjoyed the marionette/puppet version of Three Little Pigs (which included a reformed wolf at the end) and steering toy sailboats on the fountain. The Gardens may be my favorite place yet in Paris.

And because I know Jenn is wondering about today’s menu, we ate at a boulangerie for lunch where Rudi had really fresh and excellent brioche and I had (wait for it) a giant macaron (not a macaroon; that’s totally different — macarons are like meringue sandwiches) that included basil as an ingredient and was filled with fromage blanc and decorated with huge raspberries. Heavenly!!! We supplemented that with a seed-laden baguette. And dinner was at a local French restaurant recommended by Christiane yesterday. Rudi ate snails and beef and yogurt, all of which he said were quite tasty. I had a salad with warmed chrevre, a very mild fish with utterly dull vegetables, and a chocolate Charlotte, which kind of reminded me (in a good way) of Carvel ice cream cake. I’m sure the French would be delighted with the comparison.

Oh, and Rudi went out while I was looking stuff up on Provence and came back with Orangina for me, a French biere for himself, and a Nutella crepe to share. What a nice guy!

I forgot my address book (as well as a few other items, but it’s easier to replace a razor than 50+ addresses) at home. If you’d like a postcard, please email me your address. Mum and Dad, I know yours. Everyone else, I need a hand…

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