Life seems to have a two-tone quality to it these days. Knitting progresses (I’ll finish Row 83 before bed tonight), but I’ll be glad to move on to a different project when the Ravelympics concludes at noon on Sunday. Will I be done with the super secret project? Ummm… it’s hard to say at this point. Definitely maybe.
And while I’m knit, knit, knitting along, I’m also watching record amounts of tv. I have seen a variety of sports — from beach volleyball to the steeplechase to BMX racing — and have enjoyed almost all of them. I admit some of them make me nervous; I hate seeing athletes get hurt. And I refuse to watch the equestrian events for that reason: it’s bad enough if the person gets injured because they, at least, chose to compete; it’s just devastating to see an animal get hurt. (I have no reason to believe any horses have been injured during the Games thus far; if you know otherwise, please don’t share…)
But while I can be a nervous fan, I also really enjoy watching athletes go out and give their very best. Sometimes they come away with a World Record or a medal. But so much more often, they come away with nothing (imagine being last in the 100m qualifier and having that be your only event!), and it merely was enough for them to have competed for their sport and their country and to have put in their hardest effort. The athletes are (generally) gracious when interviewed — either in victory or in defeat — and I find myself very hopeful about the future of the world when I watch the Olympic coverage.
And, I suppose, that’s really not such a bad thing after all.