sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 4, 2008

out of sorts
posted by soe 1:24 am

I’ve been kind of grumpy all weekend. Too much time sulking, not enough time doing. I’ve had a hard time getting out of my head.

And now the week is upon us again.


Does anyone have cheerful things they can tell me in the comments? Good news — yours or someone else’s? Happy music or movies to investigate?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 7 Comments.

August 2, 2008

posted by soe 1:05 pm

Congratulations to the creators of the Twist Collective, who have figured out how to put together a fantastic online knitting magazine making use of the best of technology. The articles are interesting, the patterns enticing, and the photography luscious.

Any knitter who hasn’t seen it yet would be well served to click over now.

Category: knitting. There is/are 2 Comments.