sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 30, 2006

moving as little as possible
posted by soe 3:31 pm

It’s hot. Really hot. Gross.

I felt kind bad yesterday because my travels took me no further than the mailbox. I sat inside and read and knit and watched tv. I felt a bit like a sloth.

But, I reasoned, I’d make up for it today.

Until I went to the farmers’ market. It took merely 30 minutes for me to be soaked to the skin. At which point I gratefully retreated back to the Burrow and our new air conditioner.

But maybe it’s okay to lay low this weekend. We do, after all, have a busy week ahead of us:

  • Monday we’re headed to a sneak preview of a movie.
  • Tuesday Rudi has his weekly bike ride and I have my volunteer gig as a knitting tutor.
  • Wednesday we head north to New York City on an early train to spend the day bumming around the city with friends before hearing John Irving, Stephen King, and J.K. Rowling discuss their craft.
  • Thursday we do more sightseeing and friend-visiting and return home.

So, yeah, I guess it was a good idea to rest up this weekend…

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anybody up?
posted by soe 1:57 am

If you’re up in what the East Coast considers the middle of the night (Saturday into Sunday) and you’re checking my blog, please consider heading over to keep Kat or Jen company. They’re blogging for 24 hours straight to raise money for charity. I’m not asking you to sponsor them (although certainly you can if you want), but if you ever wrote a paper during college and found yourself up and alone in the wee hours of the night, you know how alone and miserable you feel — and how tempting that bed (or couch or floor…) looks (just for five minutes, of course!).

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