Yes, there’s still stuff to do before we head out on vacation tomorrow morning. (First stop: NYC to see The Drowsy Chaperone. Second stop: Hillsdale, NY, for the annual Falcon Ridge Folk Festival. Final stop: Turkey Ridge to see Gramma and the folks.) I haven’t assembled a “pretty” outfit for the theater tomorrow night. (Although fashion has scaled back over time, somehow I don’t think Broadway is ready to see me in my tank top-flip flop-shorts standard camping fare.) I don’t know where the headlamp is. I haven’t dug out (or cleaned) the cooler. I still have piles of stuff on my desk.
But my brain has already hit the road north, desperately seeking days of nothing that “has to get done” and cooler weather. So I’m going to clear off my desk, turn on the automatic email response, forward the phone, and head home to sort through the rest of the stuff there.
(It should be noted that while I have not packed any clothes yet for my adventure, several books and a knitting project were packed last night.)
I’ve got several posts ready to go during my absence, so feel free to check back while I’m away. (Comments are always welcome, but they won’t appear on the site until I’m back to approve them.) Live posting resumes Sunday night or Monday morning from my folks’ place in Connecticut.