sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 2, 2006

posted by soe 2:48 pm

Can anyone explain to me why when looking at obesity statistics, I cannot find numbers for certain ethnic groups? I can find numbers for Caucasians, African Americans, and Mexican Americans.

I cannot however find information on Latinos in general (I grew up in the Northeast and am well aware that there are obese Puerto Ricans out there — and that Puerto Ricans would be pretty insulted be classified as Mexicans.), Asian Americans, or Native Americans.

Why hasn’t the government tracked this information? And if they have, why have they hidden it away?

This makes writing a book using facts so much harder…

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project complete!
posted by soe 1:23 am

The medals plaza has been disassembled. The hotels’ vacancy signs have been up long enough to fade in the sun. And the only medalist we can name is the Flying Tomato. (more…)

Category: knitting. There is/are 1 Comment.