sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 16, 2008

well, this is a new experience…
posted by soe 12:43 am

Last night as I was walking to Farragut to meet Rudi for Restaurant Week (another post, I promise), I started to feel a little off.

No matter, thought I. It’s just that I’m outside walking and it’s finally cold again and my nose is running. We had a nice dinner and walked home.

As the rest of the evening progressed, I again started to feel unwell and began to fear that the sickness that had felled Rudi, my folks, and Gramma had finally caught up to me.

No matter, thought I. It’s Monday and I’m tired. I’ll go to bed early. And I did.

When Rudi woke me up this morning, I was in agony. I was woozy and it felt like Rudi had spent all night punching my left side. (He assured me that he did not, and although I’m a heavy sleeper, I’m almost positive that I would wake up to that.)

I ate breakfast. That hurt. I coughed. That hurt. I sneezed. That hurt.

Fine, thought I. I’ll take a hot shower and I’ll feel better.

You can guess where this is going, right?

I did not feel better. I got back into bed and called in sick. Less than five minutes later (after finding a position that was somewhat comfortable to lie in), I was back asleep.

When I next opened my eyes, it was 1:30. I rolled over, found another position, and closed my eyes again. It was after 3 when I next looked up.

Fine, thought I. I’m done being sick now. I’ll go read some email and knit and read the rest of my play. I got up, went out to the living room, brewed some tea. Sitting in my rocking chair hurt, so I moved to the couch. My tea sat half drunk as I slept again.

Rudi called and offered to pick up some of my favorite sick soup on his way home. I went back to sleep. He arrived home and started cooking for me. I went back to sleep.

He gave me ibuprofen and soup and reheated my tea.

Oh, is that what this is?

I’ve been awake for a whole six hours now and will shortly be taking more ibuprofen and going to bed.

No matter, say I. I’ll be fine.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 4 Comments.

Ack! You poor thing!! Feel better!!

Comment by Jenn 01.16.08 @ 6:11 am

Ooo! I am so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! Sleep is a good thing right now!!!

Comment by KaKi 01.16.08 @ 10:45 am

I’ve had an icky cold/flue thing for the past week. Thursday and Friday were the worst. Since then things have been gradually getting better, though I would be much happier if the phlegm production would stop and my voice could go back to normal.

Comment by Grey Kitten 01.16.08 @ 2:32 pm

What is it with you and bugs lately? 😉
Feel better soon!

Comment by Karen 01.16.08 @ 8:41 pm