sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 10, 2019

saturday night (sock) fever
posted by soe 1:39 am

[March 23: I was just looking at my calendar and was confused to see an empty spot for the 10th. I’d written a post — what had happened? I don’t know. But here is the post that was scheduled for 1:39 a.m. that day that didn’t publish. -sprite]

Smock Madness

Earlier in the week, I was feeling under the weather — mostly just exhausted and irritable. Tonight, Rudi had the same thing, so he went to bed early (a wise move, since he has to be in Pennsylvania at 7 a.m., which his body thinks is 6) and I spent the time working on my sock, watching an episode of Agatha Raisin, and listening to the end of Geekerella.

Next up on audio is either resuming Creative Quest or starting A Boy Called Bat (Kare, did Marshall ever read it and if he did, does he think I’d like it? If he didn’t, no worries…) or Aru Shah and the End of Time. Or, you know, something totally different.

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