If you’ve been wondering about the radio silence around here recently, we’ve been combating a bug problem in our bedroom. Over the summer we had a grain moth problem in our kitchen. I’d been optimistic recently we’d finally gotten a handle on them, but discovered at the end of last week that the problem had merely migrated to the other side of the wall. So Rudi and I have been washing loads and loads of laundry — all of our linens, as well as a bureau’s worth of clothing. And since we had to tear apart the room to tackle the worms, we figured we might as well do a major top to toe cleaning.
Before we leave for Thanksgiving, we will have a spotless bedroom filled with lots of clean laundry. Too bad the holiday party we’re having in ten days will be held everywhere in our apartment except our bedroom.
Oh well. It’s always the way, right?
Ack! that sucks! I’m sorry the infestation has returned! What fun.
I was about to suggest you just hold the party in your bedroom, but that might send the wrong message to your guests! Eeep! 😉
Comment by Jenn 11.20.07 @ 6:59 amMoths are apparently a very common occurrence in DC-area apartments, especially those in older buildings. So that our infestation has returned (with a vengeance, I might add) is not a big surprise.
And seeing the bedroom cleaner than it’s been in a long time is a nice side-effect.
Comment by Rudi 11.20.07 @ 9:26 am