sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 19, 2018

mid-august caturday
posted by soe 1:39 am

A Saturday night of reading is always made better by the addition of cats:

Corey and Me

Corey and Me, Snuggling

Corey heard a noise outside mid-snuggle. But it didn’t require more than a few seconds’ staring before he decided we were safe to start being lovey again.

Jer and Me

Jer Loving Me

Jer came out from sleeping with Rudi in the bedroom to lie under my reading lamp, and eventually I put down my knitting for the night and turned around to snuggle with him. While Corey is a chin lover, Jeremiah likes to nuzzle your nose and ears, which is often ticklish. (He’s gotten drooly in his old age, which now means you end up with very damp appendages and sometimes feel a bit like Hamlet’s father… but it’s love-filled drool, which does make it better.)

Category: cats. There is/are 2 Comments.

Wonderful cat images! Fezzik is a chin lover!!!

Comment by kathy b 08.19.18 @ 2:05 pm


Comment by Karen 08.19.18 @ 8:36 pm