sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 5, 2018

independence day unraveling
posted by soe 1:31 am

Current Reads

My reading has been all over the place this week. A chapter here, a poem there. A different book in each bag. Plus two audiobooks, both L.A. Theatre Works productions, Dr. Cerberus and The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial, as I wash dishes and do prep work in the kitchen.

What have you been reading?


The Tour de France knitalong begins Saturday morning and I don’t yet have a pattern picked out. I would like to make a shawl and I’d like to use a couple (or maybe three) of these shawl balls from Freia fine hand paints. They’re all in the Ombré Merino line: 430 yard-long, single ply balls. The colorways are (clockwise from top left) Hard Candy, Vamp, Aloha, and Melon.

I don’t yet have a pattern picked out. Here are a few I’m considering, but if you have any suggestions, please let me know: Frozen, Sea Shanty, Royal Mile, Parallelogram Scarf, Inara Wrap, and Sea Grass.

If it’s helpful, the shawl I wear the most is my Color Affection. I don’t love knitting feather and fan, so I’d rather not make a shawl that’s entirely comprised of that stitch, but I’m not against a section or two of it. I don’t know brioche, but it’s on my list of things to learn this year, so would be fine with a shawl that included that.

Head over to As Kat Knits to see what other folks are reading and knitting.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 2 Comments.

Those gradient’s are gorgeous! Every single one of them!! I think those would make a gorgeous Parallelogram Scarf… a super sized one like this: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/philacraftina/parallelogram-scarf

Also… I loved The Summer Before the War!

Comment by Kat 07.05.18 @ 6:27 am

I like the project peace shawls

Comment by Kathy b 07.05.18 @ 9:44 am