This post ought to be substantial, grounded, focused. It ought to include photos of the garden’s latest harvest (including the magic zucchini) or of my knitting (both knit-along projects are in progress). It ought to be productive about rallying people to protest the underhanded sale of my local branch library by the city council. It ought to be … about something.
But instead all I can offer you is this. This evening after work, it was only July. But now, eight hours later, it’s already January at Hogwarts. Come Friday at midnight, it will be July again. I’ve only got 71 hours to get through the next five months — and a harrowing, event-filled five months they will be.
So my apologies if posts are light — or, worse, inconsequential. I’m looking for clues for what’s to come…
As we did our grocery shopping earlier this week, the cashier was chatting with the bagger, complaining about having to work a shift until 4 AM Friday night/Saturday morning.
She was worried about the crowds of people flocking to buy Harry Potter.
I thought, I could understand people crowding into book stores for midnight parties, desperate to get the book as soon as possible… But, if you were inclinded to do so, would you rush out at midnight… to Ralph’s grocery?
It turns out, the answer was yes for enough people to cause long lines for book 6, so she’s probably justified in fearing the busy night this weekend.
Comment by Grey Kitten 07.18.07 @ 12:38 pmLOL, Oh My I am reading the 6th book too and it is Winter at Hogwarts for me too!
Comment by paula 07.18.07 @ 11:05 pm