sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 29, 2007

i hate travelling
posted by soe 5:57 am

Don’t get me wrong. I love being new places.

I just hate the stress of travel. The packing. The second-guessing. The staying up too late. The getting up too early. The worry that I’ve not left enough time to get to my gate. The concern that I’ll be sitting at the gate for hours.

Pittsburgh is a lovely city. I’m a little worried that the event I’m running tomorrow will be a flop, but other than that, I’m looking forward to being there. I’ve written down info for three local yarn stores. I’ve checked the baseball schedule (the Nats will be in town, so, at the very least, I’ll be watching the game on tv). I’ve printed out directions and have contemplated places to eat today and tomorrow morning.

I’ve eaten and am halfway done with my tea. I’ve packed a knitting project and two books. My outfit is sitting on the chair. I still have to shower and to run to Rite-Aid for some Mentos and some extra cat food. But, other than that, I’m ready to go.

I just wish I were already there.

And then back again.

See you tomorrow night, after I return.

Category: travel. There is/are 2 Comments.

Have a safe trip!!

Comment by Jenn 06.29.07 @ 6:04 am

pitt, eh? my mom lives there and yet i can offer you no suggestions on where to go, where to eat. i’ve not been in years but there are some beautiful areas. walk around squirrell hill, relax and just decompress after all the travel hassle!

Comment by amanda 06.29.07 @ 8:47 am