sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 28, 2007

hemmed in, panini, and childhood
posted by soe 10:52 am

Three beautiful things from the end of June:

1. Grateful to have me home, Della sleeps on my arm and Jeremiah curls up on my pillow above my head.

2. The first day of the conference, I go to lunch at Warehouse Cafe (which is closing because of the increase in their property taxes, so this is also a sad thing). Not only do they have a yummy vegetarian option, but they also understand that a panini machine is meant to cook the sandwich instead of just to create lines on the bread. A rarity in these parts.

3. When Bill, Jana, and I go out to eat Monday night, Bill identifies the scent in the restaurant hallway as that of Pez. Unusual, but strangely comforting, as well.

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

Isn’t it wonderful to have a kitty sleep on your head?!

I haven’t been to ALA in a while but I should go again soon. Do you travel to many of their conferences (if you don’t mind my asking)?

Comment by Debby 06.28.07 @ 1:45 pm