sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 21, 2017

virtual advent 2017: day 21
posted by soe 6:00 am

virtual advent tour

Happy Thursday, everyone! It’s the 21st day of December and the winter (or summer if you’re south of the equator) solstice. The shortest day of the year marks the start of Yule season (interestingly, did you know linguists think “Yule” and “jolly” both originate from one of Odin’s Old Norse names?), originally a pagan midwinter celebration beginning on the solstice that was later co-opted for Christian purposes. It’s also what’s called Blue Christmas, a Christian observance on the longest night of the year for those who are suffering from the loss of a loved one.

Today our tour returns to Nancy at Wyoming Breezes, who has a post sharing her Advent celebrations and seeking the light.

I’ll see you back here tomorrow for our final Friday of the Virtual Advent Tour. Be well!

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

Another fun Advent TOur post. I didnt know the history of Blue Christmas! I first heard elvis sing it!

Comment by kathy b 12.21.17 @ 1:01 pm