I’m having a melancholy evening, so it’s good to think back on my past week and find three of the beautiful things from it:
1. Friends have been sharing the beautiful things going on in their lives — new houses, positive diagnoses, vacations now and in the future — and I’m thrilled for all of them and appreciative that they want to share their good fortune with me.
2. We’ve been watching the Tour de France (as we do every year), and this week has been full of sunflower coverage (they also show castles, churches, naked spectators, and cyclists).
3. Fort Reno is a park built on the grounds of one of D.C.’s Civil War-era fortifications, is the highest point in the city and home to a decades-old summer punk concert series. This makes it an excellent spot to watch unencumbered summer sunsets while bands perform for free. Monday evening got an positive rating for weather, view, and music, all of which outdid themselves.

and a bonus:
4. Rudi trimmed off the beard he grew after his surgery.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world recently?
Beautiful photos! My thing of beauty is the 2nd batch of baby cardinals that Mom and Pop cardinal have successfully raised in our back yard! Seeing them all over just warms my heart!
Comment by AsKatKnits 07.21.17 @ 6:38 amEXCELLENT news about the beard! Paul briefly had one – without even a good excuse like surgery – and finally shaved it off when he realized I was serious about not kissing him until it was gone! 😀
Things are pretty rough for me right now between a car accident (I’m ok) and Grammy not doing very well, but the young crows living in our tree have been a pretty consitent source of delight these days!
Comment by Jenn S. 07.24.17 @ 8:15 am(consistent – cannot type. Very Monday.)
Comment by Jenn S. 07.24.17 @ 8:16 amWildflowers by the roadside are periwinkle dotted with queen anns lace. I know it is a week, the lace, but it looks brilliant with the blue flowers. The horses are beautiful around here in the summer. I caught one rolling and enjoying the grasses yesterday.
Comment by kathy b 07.26.17 @ 12:37 pm